27 November 2011

Crazy in Love with 4

Two months ago, I was  trying to park my car in San Francisco, which if you know anything about driving in the City is a feat in and of itself. It began with me frustratingly circling around the blocks near my apartment for a while until I found a pretty decent spot close by. I started to parallel park, but since I was in a hurry to meet up with some friends, I did a pretty bad job of doing it. Next thing I hear is a snap, so I stop and run out to see what happened. Turns out I had backed my car into the bushes on the sidewalk and broke my antenna in the process. My radio hasn't worked and I've been listening to nothing but Beyoncé's 4 in my car ever since.

I truly love Beyoncé as a musician and performer. In my opinion, she's the whole, talented, beautiful package. In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to name a handful of other current artists who can actually sing and dance like any true pop artist should. I think she's going to be in it for the long run.

And I truly love her most recent album, 4. It hasn't done as well as her last couple in terms of mainstream popularity, but this is by far her most brilliant one. You can tell that there is a lot her own personal experiences and feelings written into the songs, and she sounds so magnificent singing them.

Which is why I want to share it with you! By way of her music videos. She's actually released a lot of them, in her label's attempt to promote 4 as an important, commercially successful record.

You're welcome.

P.S. If you only have time for two, watch "Countdown" and and "Love On Top".

Beyoncé - 1+1

Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had

Beyoncé - Party

Beyoncé - Love On Top

Beyoncé - Countdown

Beyoncé - Run The World (Girls)

Beyoncé - Dance For You